This Fundraising Festival is hosted by The Divine Feminine Academy & The IA Heart Project Foundation, which is designed with the mission of Empowering young ladies from the ages of 13-17, inspire and mentor them so that they not only see the possibility, but also see the examples of other leading women in our communities that are already making a difference. Our sponsors will support over 200 young ladies to experience this event which is by, for and about Women. The Funds Raised by this event will not only sponsor over 150 young ladies to this amazing experience, but it will also support the scholarships of women to participate in an Empowering Women's Seminar Retreat FFOLAP.
LUNAFEST connects women, their stories and their causes through film. This traveling film festival spotlights the work of a diverse array of talented women filmmakers with intelligent, funny and thought-provoking themes.
At a time when there is a big shift going on and women are starting to stand in their own light and power, it is also a time to support the women around us. In order for one to grow we must ground ourselves and release any negative vibe that may be lingering in our hearts, minds and souls.
VIP TICKETS $50 (Only 20 left) VIP Ticket includes: Goodie Bag Entrance to the Event Access to VIP Lounge where we will be serving drinks & hors d'oeuvres